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Danmark i Kosovo

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Udenrigsministeriets rejsevejledninger.


Kosovos Udenrigsministerium

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo


Information in English

Consular information


If you need to apply for a Danish passport, you can find more information here. Please be aware that you can only apply for children's passports (below 12 years), passport extensions, and emergency passports at the consulate in Pristina.
How to apply for a Danish passport


If you wish to travel to Denmark, you should inquire whether you will need a visa. In the affirmative, make sure to file an application in due time.
Danish Visa Rules 

Residence and Work Permits
Detailed information about the rules governing residence (stays exceeding 3 months) and/or work permits for Denmark and information about the necessary documentation to be handed in together with your application can be found on the website of the Danish Immigration Service.
Residence and Work Permits

Commercial information
Commercial activities in Kosovo are handled by the Trade Council at the Danish Embassy in Croatia. Danish companies are very welcome to contact the Trade Council at the Danish Embassy in Zagreb for further information. Kosovo is part of the Trade Council Central Europe and the Balkans regional cooperation.
For more information, please go to The Trade Council - Kosovo as a market